Brian Dessent wrote:

Kees Vonk wrote:

When I start configure without the --without-authldap option I get the
following error:

checking for netinet/in.h... yes
checking whether -lresolve is needed for res_query... configure: error:
Cannot find function res_query

You lack the 'minires-devel' package most likely.

However when I inlcude the --without-authldap option the first bit of
configure seems to work, but them when it gets to libltdl it suddenly
fails with:

configure: error: invalid package name: authldap

Can anyone tell me how to get around this? I can compile it on my linux
box without a problem.

That sounds like maybe you have the switch spelled wrong.  Check the
output of "./configure --help" to see what the script accepts.

If that's not it and it's a libtool issue, it could be worth a try to
relibtoolize, or just autoreconf, the package to regenerate the
'configure' and 'libtool' (and possibly many other) files using Cygwin's
autoconf/libtool/automake.  You'll need the -devel versions of those
three packages.  "autoreconf --install --force --verbose" is often the
sledgehammer of first attack if a package won't build.  No guarantees
that this will help though.  It may take some digging around in the to see what's going on.

No, I don't think so in this case. Don't touch the autotools used. In version 0.47 there are 48 configure scripts for each module its own script. It lasts forever to run through this strange system.


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