On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 11:42:49AM -0600, lin q wrote:
> It is strange:in cygwin when I am trying to run OPUS MAKE, I always get 
>this error,
>OPUS MAKE: Don't know how to make '!*'. Stop.
> I turn on the debug mode and I see the following,
>*** Read c:\opus6.12/make.ini ***
>Note: You are using Opus' default initialization file 'c:\opus6.12/make.ini'
>*** Done c:\opus6.12/make.ini ***
>*** Read <some path>\s/make.dbg.nt ***
>*** Done <some path>\s/make.dbg.nt ***
>*** Tracing OPUS MAKE ***
>??!*                                                  absent
>??   check rules
>??   no inferred source found
>??   update !*
>OPUS MAKE: Don't know how to make '!*'. Stop.
>If I run OPUS MAKE against same makefile in tc-shell, then there is no 
>I wonder if there is any known problem?

I just downloaded opus make to see if I could duplicate this problem.

I can't.

Given that '!*' has some meaning to shells, I wonder if you are tripping
over some alias or function gone awry.  If you specify the full command line
to the make executable when you run the command you should bypass any
aliases or functions that you have in the make environment.

Otherwise, it's possible that there is something else being triggered.
Try doing a 'set -x; c:\path\to\make ; set +x' to see what is happening
when you invoke make.


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