On 4/22/2005 10:56 AM, David Rothenberger wrote:
On 4/22/2005 8:52 AM, David Rothenberger wrote:

I ran across a tool called "Trader's Little Helper" at [url removed
because it trips the cygwin spam filter] that includes the
cygwin1.dll, but doesn't provide source code. Even worse, it puts
cygwin1.dll in C:\WINDOWS!

I succeeded in contacting the author of this tool this morning and I informed him of the problems and directed him to the cygwin site for more information. I didn't attempt to contact any of the authors of the other packages.

The author of Trader's Little Helper responded to me. He basically said the following:

1. He doesn't think shorten or shntool are violating the GPL because they have been around for years.
2. He doesn't think he's violating the GPL because he's not linking to the cygwin DLL nor modifying it.

IANAL, but I think that his second point is correct. I still think shorten and shntool are violating the GPL because they *are* linking to the DLL; it doesn't really matter that it hasn't been caught for years - there is no statue of limitations in the GPL.

So, to me it seems that only shorten and shntool are violating the GPL and not TLH, dBpowerAMP, nor the Nero SHN plugin.

David Rothenberger                spammer? -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG/PGP: 0x7F67E734, C233 365A 25EF 2C5F C8E1 43DF B44F BA26 7F67 E734

The three laws of thermodynamics:
        (1) You can't get anything without working for it.
        (2) The most you can accomplish by working is to break even.
        (3) You can only break even at absolute zero.

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