Hans Horn wrote:

> I'd like to create a distribution media that allows my group to do custom
> offline installations of cygwin.
> I want this distribution to contain EXACTLY what is currently installed on a
> master machine, plus ALL the corresponding src packages.
> Now, I know that I can have setup to just download stuff to a local
> directory.
> However, doing that interactively is such a braindead task, so I was hoping
> that there's a simpler way.
> Can I use setup in unattended mode to do exactly what I've described above?
> Perhaps using the information it finds in /etc/setup/installed.db on the
> master machine?

I don't have a link handy, but if you search the archives you'll see
this was asked at least 3 times in the last 6 months, and several
methods of approaching it were described.


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