----Original Message----
>From: community help
>Sent: 26 April 2005 12:21

> Hi,
> 1) I want to know if some software is installed in my
> cygwin. "whereis" and "urpmi" does not work. So how
> can i do this?

  To find if any cygwin package contains a particular program, go to 


and enter the program name into the search function.  I don't know what
"whereis" and "urpmi" are, but the zsh package seems to contain functions by
those names, so maybe you need to install and run zsh?

> 2) No login is required before connection. Am i root
> by default?

  As long as you have setup your /etc/passwd and /etc/group files by running
mkgroup and mkpasswd, you will be logged in as whatever windows username you
logged into windows with.  If that user has admin rights, you will be
effectively root in cygwin.
> If there is a tutorial answering this kind of
> questions please let me know.

  You should certainly read all the documentation there is:


  In particular the user guide is very helpful, even though it's not exactly
a tutorial.


Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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