
I have seen a few references to this in the mailing list,  but no
solutions were evident.

I'm building a new machine, (windows media laptop XP Pro/media center
addition 2005).  Everything is up to date.  I had compiled  the newest
version of  mplayer and all was well until I added KDE yesterday ( and
the subsequent rebaseall).  Now Mplayer gacks with 


4 [main] ? 3668 cygheap_fixup_in_child: Couldn't reserve 9891792 bytes
of space for cygwin's heap (0x61810000 <0xA50000>) in child, Win32 error

C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin\mplayer.exe (3668): *** m.AllocationBase 0x0,
m.BaseAddress 0x61810000, m.RegionSize 0x460000, m.State 0x10000


I tried rebasing the mplayer stuff and also recompiling.  All for
naught.  I'd hate to re install cygwin If I don't have to.



Bruce dobrin

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