
I encountered a strange problem porting a POSIX-compliant networking
library to cygwin:

A small test program creates a UNIX domain socket and listens on an
incoming connections. Then, from the same process, two ASYNC connections
are attempted (think of it as a loopback within a process). Calling
connect() on both returns "errno: 119 Operation now in progress" as

Then, to complete the connection establishment, I call select() on both
FDs with Read/Write mask checked to see if in fact the connection is
completed. The timeout is set to 1 seconds (I also tried different
timeouts). The select() BLOCKS FOREVER and never returns (until I kill
the process). 

I ran the program with 'strace' and attached the relevant log file. Can
someone with working knowledge of cygwin networking code shed some light
of what I might be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Attachment: strace.log
Description: strace.log

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