----Original Message----
>From: Jeff Johnston
>Sent: 28 April 2005 19:33

> Hi Dave,
>    Thanks for looking into this.  Your patch wasn't quite correct.  It
> ended up breaking nan-support which isn't tested in the accompanying
> testcase.  It needed to verify that x & multiple_flags_ored_together ==
>   multiple_flags_ored_together. Anyway, I have checked a patch in and
> verified that it works for your tests below plus it also works for a
> simple test like 
> i = sscanf ("nank", "%lf%c%n", &x, &m, &n)
> -- Jeff J.

  Heh, actually we probably have to talk about that.  The k should IIUIC be
swallowed by the %lf and the %c should fail; this is the production
described as NAN(n-char-sequence opt) in the C language spec, strtod
documentation (that's in WG14/N843 draft, I don't have the final
version).  And we haven't even mentioned the lack of INF support yet :)

  However I'm on UK time, so it won't be happening today!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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