On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 12:57:03AM +0100, Cliff Hones wrote:
>Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
>> ...
>> [Yet more boring vitriolic rubbish.]
>> ...
>I've been on this list for a good four years now, and never ever
>considered setting up a filter.  I came close during the "fortune"
>flamewars and I'm getting even more close now.  Please, Gary and CGF,
>can you take your discussion offline.

Sorry, Cliff.  You're right.  I'll stop now.  I was having fun but it
was at the expense of the cygwin mailing list.

There really is no place to take this off-line since Gary has adamantly
vetoed the idea of personal email.  I guess the cygwin-talk list is an
option but there's no reason to bore people over there either.

So, I'll stop now.  My apologies to the cygwin list.


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