I admit I'm stubborn about this topic but I'd like to propose 
the change of chmod implementation.
I thing, it would be nice if the 'chmod +/-w' would have in the discussed case 
the same
functionality as the Windows' command 'attrib'.
See please the appended screenshot.

U:\tmp>ls -l yahoo
-rw-r--r--  1 ropach mkpasswd 5 Apr 29 07:35 yahoo

U:\tmp>attrib +r yahoo
U:\tmp>ls -l yahoo
-r--r--r--  1 ropach mkpasswd 5 Apr 29 07:35 yahoo

U:\tmp>attrib -r yahoo
U:\tmp>ls -l yahoo
-rw-r--r--  1 ropach mkpasswd 5 Apr 29 07:35 yahoo

U:\tmp>chmod -w yahoo
chmod: changing permissions of `yahoo': Permission denied
U:\tmp>ls -l yahoo
-rw-r--r--  1 ropach mkpasswd 5 Apr 29 07:35 yahoo

U:\tmp>chmod +w yahoo
chmod: changing permissions of `yahoo': Permission denied
U:\tmp>ls -l yahoo
-rw-r--r--  1 ropach mkpasswd 5 Apr 29 07:35 yahoo


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