On Fri, March 25, 2005 8:26 pm, Eric Blake said:
> True enough.  And that points out another bug - echo "$0" may fail if $0
> starts with -, it should be echo -- "$0".  Isn't portable shell
> programming fun?

Sorry that this has taken so long, but I'm just getting around to adding
all the fixes emailed wrt /etc/profile.  I tried the above, and it broke
so I checked the man pages,

`echo' writes each given STRING to standard output, with a space between
each and a newline after the last one.  Synopsis:

     echo [OPTION]... [STRING]...

   The program accepts the following options.  Also see *Note Common
options::.  Options must precede operands, and the normally-special
argument `--' has no special meaning and is treated like any other

so, I'm afraid that echo -- "${0}" won't work.


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