On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 04:24:56PM +1000, Sonam Chauhan wrote:
>Christopher - 
>>Yes, if you send a "kill -9" to a pid that shows up in ps but is
>>associated with a non-cygwin process, it should work.
>So what me and Jurgen were discussing works, and you were wrong.
>Thanks for revisiting your point after your earlier rudeness.


I felt the need to clarify after your observation about "kill -9" which
mentioned a "cygwin terminal" and did not appear to have any direct
bearing on the statement "However, I also notice that deeper forked
processes (grandchildren) refuse to die.  This script is only run using
ActiveState Perl".  If someone is talking about "fork" on windows in a
cygwin mailing list then they must be talking about starting processes
using cygwin so mentioning a "cygwin terminal" doesn't make a lot of
sense in that context.  You don't need to start processes from bash
for them to be able to receive signals.

If they are saying that they are unable to kill processes then, my
previous (unstated) assumption that they are using winpids rather than
cygwin pids seems likely.  Either that or they are using SIGTERM and the
signal is blocked, in which case your "kill -9" would work.  I don't
know why something which expects to be killed via SIGTERM would block
SIGTERM but I guess it is a possibility.

Since I didn't recognize your name, and you seemed to be trying to
inform me about code that I wrote, I included my signature in the
message to clarify.


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