
I've been following with great interest the issue of a missing 
cygintl-3.dll file.  I've read the FAQ's and found that the dll should be 
in the libintl3 package. 

I'm at a real loss here as I've checked my copied distribution and a 
number of mirror sites around the world looking for the libintl3 directory 
in the release tree.  I can't find it anywhere.  I've also tried following 
the directions to get Setup, I have v2.457.2.2, to install them by 
specifically selecting the library package from the full list.  The 
package isn't listed anywhere.  Without this library cygwin will not start 
for me.

Is there a problem with the current distribution that the GNU 
Internationalization libraries are missing?  Is the package database wrong 
in saying that cygintl-3.dll is in:

libintl3/libintl3-0.14.1-1GNU Internationalization runtime library 

Any suggestions gratefully accepted!


David Fox

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