> From: Igor Pechtchanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Guido Milanese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc: cygwin@cygwin.com

> The "version" that you mention in the subject just says that 
> you're
> running Cygwin on Win2k.  It doesn't say anything about the actual 
> version of Cygwin.
Thanks,sorry: v.1.5.16-1

> There's very little support for LOCALE settings in Cygwin.  Some
> applications will switch the language of the help messages, etc, 
> to the
> extent gettext() supports it.  I don't believe sort has locale-specific
> collate support -- the coreutils maintainer might be a better 
> person to  answer that.

Thanks again. I am puzzled because I recall that an older version I tried a 
couple of years ago was sorting correctly. This most recent one seems to ignore 
anything related to LC_*

Best regards,
guido m.

Guido Milanese               - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vocal Ensemble "Ars Antiqua" - http://www.arsantiqua.org
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