Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:
> On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 12:55:12PM -0700, Dave wrote:
>>>> i'd like to use cygwin from a normal windows-app. The problem is, that i
>>>> need a login-shell, so that all environment-vars are properly set. The
>>>> problem: bash -li always changes the current workdir!
>>>The point was "a flly functional" environment, and just adding /bin to
>>>the PATH is only half the things, i'd need to do.
>> If you have a recent* /etc/profile from base-files, pretend you're chere.
>> From a sh script:
>> CHERE_INVOKING=y && bash -li <somecommand>
>CHERE_INVOKING=y bash -li -c somecommand

Thanks for the correction. I never knew that was valid, and I suppose I'll
always wonder why some of my scripts ever worked.


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