On Wed, May 25, 2005 at 09:45:50AM +1000, Sonam Chauhan wrote:
>Please clarify so I understand better.
>Are you saying that since...
>> >ps -W will also not always properly report on execed processes in
>>       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> >general.  Since ps -W uses CW_GETPINFO_FULL, 
>> > ... 
>...  by implication, CW_GETPINFO_FULL does not report on execed
>processes properly.

Now you're getting it.

>If this is the case, isn't this a bug in CW_GETPINFO_FULL? 
>Won't it be better fixing this bug, than fixing 'Proc::ProcessTable' and 'ps
>-W' and all the other programs that uses CW_GETPINFO_FULL? 

There is no reference implementation which would specify that the
behavior which I noted was incorrect.  "CW_GETPINFO_FULL" was
implemented for "ps -W".  I don't believe I've ever heard anyone
complaining about the way this works in "ps -W" or in "all of the other
programs" which use this.

If you want to submit a patch which changes this behavior, I'll
certainly review it promptly.  I don't believe that it would be trivial
to do, however.

It seems to me that it would be a lot easier to work around in
the perl module.


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