At 10:17 PM 5/31/2005, you wrote:
>Larry Hall <lh-no-personal-replies-please <at>> writes:
>> Sorry but I don't know what this shows.  You seem to be implying that 
>> installing causes user mounts that never appeared previously
>> to suddenly appear.  Or perhaps I am misunderstanding you.  I don't know.
>> I can say this however.  What you have shown above gives no indication of 
>> a user mount on your system.  Both invocations of 'mount -m' that you've
>> included show that you have system mounts only.  Your 'ps -e' output shows
>> that you have 5 services running, successfully/usefully or otherwise.  So 
>> while I wouldn't presume to debate you on whether or not you're having 
>> problems using these services in the way that you want, the information 
>> that you've provided thus far does not indicate any problem or source of 
>> your problem.  I would again invite you to review and follow the problem
>> reporting guidelines at <> if you'd like to
>> pursue this issue further with the help of those here on this list.
>Look here, Larry.


>If cygwin 1.5.17 works, I should have these services up. The former dumps 
>you that they didn't work with cygwin 1.5.17 at all. The dump above is what I
>could have after rolling back to cygwin 1.5.16 but keeping all other latest
>packages installed.
>This is not a debate. I've no time to debate with you. I am just reporting the
>problem after the installation of  cygwin 1.5.17. That's it.

My point was simply that the information you provided so far didn't have
any of the needed details to track down this problem.  I wasn't trying to
debate you.  But since you have now stated that your goal is to just report 
the problem, I will refrain from trying to engage you further on this issue
of yours.  If anyone else has a similar problem, at least your report will
be in the archives and perhaps they can fill in the needed details to 
actually track down the cause.  Until then, like you said, we have your 
report.  If you're interested, you can keep an eye on this list to see if
something surfaces that might be relevant to this problem you're seeing.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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