On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 03:00:31PM +0430, Alireza Ghasemi wrote:
>Thanks to all of you for your attention to my humble spacebar key.The fact
>is that , I don't have much experience in writing formal English letters.So
>please excuse me for mistakes which may happen.The culprit is me not my
>But another question is that I tried to compile allegro but at last phase it
>wanted a library called " -ldl " (libdl.a probably).Could anybody say what
>is that and where can I obtain it?

Here's how it works:

Two spaces after ".", one space after ",".  No space before "." or ","
and it's "something" not " something " .

Cygwin doesn't have or need a -ldl.  Just remove it from the command line.


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