Jan Schormann wrote:

> in my context menu on folders, I have WinZip, WinRar, WinCvs,
> TortoiseSVN, WinAmp, Perforce, and WinMerge ...
> This is what WinAmp does and it looks rather simple:
> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Winamp.Enqueue]
> @="&Enqueue in Winamp"
> [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Winamp.Enqueue\command]
> @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Winamp\\Winamp.exe\" /ADD \"%1\""

I haven't been following this thread very closely (and I don't know what
chere uses currently) but I use the following in association with
sysinternals' contig.exe to make it possible to right click on any file
or folder and have it run contig on it:

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\sysinternals\\contig.exe\"  -s \"%1\\*\""

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\sysinternals\\contig.exe\" \"%1\""

In general you can add anything to any file types' menu by placing a key
under the appropriate 'shell' key for that file's class.  No COM
required.  I believe that you have to use COM if you want the context
menu to have intelligence, e.g. checking if the file's content is
something you can process, or having a submenu, etc.  But for just
simple menu commands its not necessary.


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