> And since cygwin works under Windows I suspect, that cygwin people setup
> the 'as' program to support windows loader. Now I am thinking -- should
> I go to linux, or stay with cygwin. Actually I need to write a small
> program, which works on bare metall w/o any o/s.

You could probably get what you want by building a cross-binutils.  Get
the binutils source and build with "./configure --host=i686-pc-cygwin
--target=i686-pc-linux".  Then build memtest with "./configure
--target=i686-pc-linux" which should cause it to use the
'i686-pc-linux-as' you just built instead of Cygwin's 'as' which doesn't
grok ELF.  If memtest has more than just assembly files (i.e. C code
too) you'd probably need to build a cross-gcc as well.  The whole
crosscompiler business is better covered elsewhere, as it's not


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