On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 08:52:25AM +0200, Jacek Piskozub wrote:
>I'll risk wasting some more precious time (ypurs or mine) adding a Perl
>stackdump I found in the Mozilla directory where the build failed:
>===begin stackdump====
>Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=610AA95A
>eax=2F632F65 ebx=08000000 ecx=871C9010 edx=871C9000 esi=2F632F65
>ebp=0074E998 esp=0074E970 program=C:\CYGWIN\BIN\PERL.EXE, pid 975019,
>thread main
>cs=018F ds=0197 es=0197 fs=51EF gs=0000 ss=0197
>Stack trace:
>Frame     Function  Args
>0074E998  610AA95A  (00000000, 10140168, 0074E9C8, 6109CD52)
>0074E9C8  6104EC66  (871C3640, 102B2EC8, 0074E9F8, 6109CD52)
>0074E9F8  610844FF  (101401C8, 102B5280, 0074EA28, 101255F0)
>0074EA28  10032A1F  (101401C8, 102B5AC0, 0074EA58, 6109CD52)
>0074EA58  10032A1F  (101401C8, 102B5AE0, 0074EA88, 101255F0)
>0074EA88  10032A1F  (101401C8, 102B5B00, 0074EAB8, 6109CD52)
>0074EAB8  10032A1F  (101401C8, 102B5B20, 10169050, 101255F0)
>0074EAE8  10032A1F  (101401C8, 102B5B40, 0074EB18, 6109CD52)
>0074EB18  10032A1F  (101401C8, 102B5B60, 0074EB48, 6109CD52)
>0074EB48  10032A1F  (101401C8, 102B5B80, 0074EB78, 101255F0)
>0074EB78  10032A1F  (101401C8, 102B4FE0, 0074EBA8, 6109CD52)
>0074EBA8  10032A1F  (101401C8, 102B5BE0, 0074EBD8, 6109CD52)
>0074EBD8  10032A1F  (101401C8, 102B5C00, 00000000, FFFFFFFF)
>0074EC08  10032A1F  (101401C8, 10143CC0, 102DA2A4, 101410B8)
>0074ED58  10008053  (101401C8, 00401220, 00000012, 61157CB8)
>0074ED98  00401146  (00000012, 61157CB8, 10140090, 00000000)
>End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)
>====end stackdump=====

This is dying in malloc.  That's usually a symptom of a "double free".

This is, AFAICT, unrelated to Volker's problem since there is no way
that my fix from last night would affect a malloc problem.

The malloc implementation in perl was updated to the latest version of
Doug Lea's malloc so there is a possibility that this is a malloc bug.
However, given that the perl on my linux system routinely trips a
"double free" error from my glibc library, my money would be on perl.


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