Hi Chris,

Actually things are getting slightly worse, basically same test scenario
(not the full blown app you keep on mentioning), but this time mutex
locks are failing + the ye-olde massive memory leaks.

I have the mutex set to default mode, and after a few seconds of the
test running mutexes locking unlocking, all of a sudden the mutexes
stop locking, and basically report back EBUSY from pthread_mutex_lock.

I know you weren't going to bother looking into it, but seeing as though
you made a general request for testing updates relating to the new dll
version, I thought it useful and relevant to put in my two cents.

maybe in the future I wont even do that...


Arash Partow
Be one who knows what they don't know,
Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
Thinking they know everything about all things.

On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 01:36:54AM +0000, Arash Partow wrote:
>I've done a clean install of cygwin with dll 1.5.18 and also tried
>snapshots from 2nd, 4th and 5th. Unfortunetly issues relating to
>threading and memory leaks as described in the following post - still

Right.  I made no effort to fix anything since, I'm not going to try to
debug a 308K application for alleged memory leaks and, AFAIK, Corinna
didn't look into this either.  I guess I implied that previously but
didn't make that clear.

You can assume that unless someone mentions that they've fixed some kind
of memory leak issue, there will be no improvement in the situation that
you've noted so, there's not need to send "it still doesn't work" mail

OTOH, if things get better or worse that is interesting and worthy of
raising a flag.


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