Thanks for your very rapid and informative responses, and also the
suggestions and references
(How can I access other drives?) to using mounts rather than symlinks.

Alol the same I've got a small preference for
        ln -s /cygdrive/h h
        mkdir /h; mount -fsb h:/ /h
which is probably easily addressed, but it is as follows.

Both instructions are intended to be issue-once-only. With the former
arrangement (symlinks) the command
        find /
(usually with qualifications of course) finds only folders on the root
filesystem. If I want to include devices then additionally I
        mkdir /cygdrive
and lo! the command find / includes all the linked devices. Whereas,
with the latter arrangement (mounts) the command
        find /
always includes the mounted devices; not usually, or certainly not
often, what I want.

(I know these behaviours are as easily modified by unmounting/
remounting drives as by removing/ recreating links, and that mount-ing
more accurately mimics what is done in Unix, but I just happen to like
the symlink approach. I'm not saying it's better, in fact I imagine
there are many reasons why it isn't.)


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