Manuel Tejada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello Everybody.
> In order to learn the basic of the Sleepycat Berkeley
> DataBase recently I downloaded and installed
> libdb4.3-4.3.28-1.tar.gz  and db-4.3.28-1.tar.bz2
> using setup.exe.
> But really I don't know in which Directory has it been
> installed. I was looking for it in the cygwin's
> directory tree but the only things related to it that
> I have found are the db4.3.lst.gz and libdb4.3.lst.gz
> files boths in /etc/setup plus the documentation
> located in /usr/share/doc. No directory nor files with
> db_* or libdb* names.
> Forgive me my Ignorance but this is the first time I
> am going to use this kind of database and perhaps the
> db4.3.lst.gz and libdb4.3.lst.gz are all I need and
> just I don't know how to start using it. Or I need an
> aditional library?
> If anyone can tell me what to do I will appreciate the
> help.

take a look in /usr/share/doc/db-4.3.28 for some help files.

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