Thank you Brian, I will try both of those. 
Fortunately none of the aruments I may need to use for
the real application will contain spaces, but it is
good advice that I will remember nonetheless.


--- Brian Dessent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Peter Farley wrote:
> > I tried to use cygstart to execute bash with the
> > "-c" option to execute a command and then
> > terminate. Here's what I get:
> > 
> > $ cygstart bash -c echo Hi There
> > cygstart: bad argument -c: unknown option
> The problem that you are running into is that you
> need to tell cygstart that the -c and following
> arguments are meant for the child process, and
> are not arguments to cygstart itself.  '--' is a
> standard way of doing this, which indicates to the
> program that all of the following arguments
> should not be interpreted as switches but just
> regular data.  So "cygstart -- bash -c ..." ought
> to work.
> You will have to be careful with the quoting of the
> stuff after -c though.  Cygstart is designed to use
> Windows-native methods to start a process.  If
> you're using it to start a Cygwin process, and you
> want to have an argument with spaces in it (as is
> the case with any nontrivial -c) then you will have
> to be very careful with how you use quotes to
> ensure that the Cygwin->Windows->Cygwin conversion
> of the argv[] works correctly.  It would be much
> simpler to do something like: rxvt -e bash -c "echo
> whatever".
> Brian

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