On Jul 29 20:24, Herb Martin wrote:
> Reading my syslog.conf indicated that the messages are
> going to /var/log/messages.

Yes.  Do they?  They do in my case...

> But what is that 19 Meg wtmp?   (I have plenty of disk space
> so haven't just renamed or deleted it yet.)

wtmp is a record of all login/logout activity.  It's not related
to syslogd.

> Also, can you (generally) HUP a service and expect it
> to re-read a configuration file?  (If it would do so
> on a kill -s HUP signal that is).

Generally, no.  Windows services have no idea what a SIGHUP is.
For Unix service daemons it's common, but you can't rely on it
unless it's documented in the man page.


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