I've updated the nfs-server package for Cygwin to version 2.3-2.

  Changes in this release include:  

  - Minor corrections to comments in example files
  - Fixed device node handling in the nfs-server

  A note with regard to device node support:

  As there is no cygwin NFS client, exporting device nodes using
the cygwin encoding for device node numbers doesn't make a whole
lot of sense, so the server currently exports device nodes using
linux encoding for device nodes.  This allows embedded systems
developers to export a full linux rfs (including /dev) from cygwin,
and see the expected device nodes on the linux side of things.

  If there is enough interest in supporting alternative ways of
exporting device nodes (cygwin vs. linux. vs. ... something else),
then I will look into adding an /etc/exports directive that allows
the user to explictly set the export format for device node numbers
on a per-export basis.

                       *** INSTALLATION ***

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.  


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