----Original Message----
>From: Gansta93
>Sent: 04 August 2005 16:54

> OK... I though an emulator was able to do the same things as Linux,
> but not Cygwin... 

  Cygwin isn't an emulator, it's an emulation layer; this is different.

  If you want to run Linux software on Windows, it does run under Cygwin;
Cygwin provides all the O/S function calls that Linux has but Windows
doesn't.  But the binaries aren't compatible.  You have to recompile an
application from source code, so that it uses Cygwin's header files and
links with Cygwin's library files.  What Cygwin does is allow you to just
recompile the file without usually needing to make any changes to the

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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