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According to Cary Jamison on 8/4/2005 11:07 AM:
> Ok, I should have sent it too.  There is probably a better way to do
> this, but here it is...
> #!/bin/bash
> # scp anything in the sync directory to the remote machine
> # and then move it to the done directory.
> # Currently only works with single files, not directories.
> RHOST=cjp
> RDIR="~/sync/recv"
> LDIR=~/sync
> LDONEDIR=~/sync/done
> LOGFILE=~/synclog
> echo $($DATE) sync.sh starting > $LOGFILE
> cd $LDIR
> while true
> do
>   sleep 10
>   for i in * .[^.]*
>   do
>     if [[ -f $i ]]
>     then
>           echo -ne $($DATE)\\040 >> $LOGFILE
>           if scp -p -q $i $RHOST:$RDIR >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
>           then
>             mv $i $LDONEDIR
>             echo $($DATE) copied $i >> $LOGFILE
>           fi
>     fi
>   done
> done

Hmm, nothing in here looks obviously wrong.  I'll have to try running it
myself (or slight modifications thereof), and see if I can reproduce any
failures.  But so far, I haven't reproduced anything.

>> The problem-reporting guidelines suggest plain-text (not encoded)
>> cygcheck attachements for a reason.  I can't decipher your output
>> in my webmail reader.
> I thought I had, but when posting to gmane with outlook-express, it
> encoded it without me knowing.  I just tried a regular email to the mail
> list using notes and it got rejected because of the same thing.  So, now
> I'm trying Mozilla's newsreader to gmane again.  If this doesn't work,
> I'll probably just give up.  Anyway, here are some parts you may care
> about :

Thanks; you got it the second time.

> cygwin dll 1.5.18
> bash 3.0-8
> Thanks,
> Cary
> Not Found: sh
> Found: C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe

Not good.  You need /bin/sh to do lots of things in cygwin.  Rerun
setup.exe, and that should help.  Perhaps the core dump is happening when
something is trying to invoke /bin/sh, and not reacting nicely?

> The version of cygrunsrv installed is too old to dump service info.
> cygrunsrv            1.10-1

Not your problem, but probably a bug in setup.exe, since cygrunsrv 1.10 is
indeed new enough to dump service info.

> bash                 3.0-8

bash is at 3.0-11 now, in case that helps.

- --
Life is short - so eat dessert first!

Eric Blake             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Cygwin)
Comment: Public key at home.comcast.net/~ericblake/eblake.gpg
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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