----Original Message----
>From: Eric Blake
>Sent: 05 August 2005 13:13

> For files under 1k, zipping doesn't save any disk space (disk space is
> used a block at a time, whether you use the entire block or not), and
> wastes CPU cycles as it spawns the extra processes to unzip it.

  Actually, on a 'doze system, the relevant minimum size is the cluster size
on the drive in question.  IIUIC thatcould be as much as 32k if you're using
a very big HD on an old 9x-based system....  but for most of us, running on
NTFS, it'll be 4k.  (And if by 'block' you mean 'sector', aren't they still
512 bytes?  According to msdn default 4kb clustersize == 8 sectors...)

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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