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According to Vaclav Haisman on 8/5/2005 4:10 PM:
> What is the point of create_thread_and_wait() in fhandler_netdrive::exists()?
> Or anywhere at all? Why spawning a thread at all when we have to wait for the
> task to finish immediately after it is started? I really would like to know,
> even though it is probably just lack of knowledge on my side.

Windows has the (nasty) habit of blocking EVERYTHING in the current
thread, including ctrl-c, when doing lengthy network tasks.  Spawning the
blocking task to its own thread allows cygwin to still react to signals in
the primary thread.  This threading code was added to fhandler_netdrive
due to complaints at the difficulty in stopping a runaway 'ls -F //' on
large domains when // was first made a directory; search the archives from
earlier this year for more details.

- --
Life is short - so eat dessert first!

Eric Blake             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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