Is anyone successfully running the full Mail::SPF perl module, SPECIFICALLY
the spfd (daemon)?

I can run it ONLY as a socket, and only if I leave it in the foreground.
(Otherwise Exim doesn't seem to be able to query it.)

Testing from the command line with NetCat "hangs"
when it is run as a foreground process listening on an INET socket (CPU went
to 100% until I killed it

Exim queries it successfully if it is left in the foreground AND run as a
Unix Socket:

        spfd -path=/var/run/spfd

Trying to naively put it in the background with:

        spfd -path=/var/run/spfd &

...seems to leave it non-responsive.

I can find no combination of switches that will put it into the background
and leave it functional.

$ spfd --help
usage: spfd ( -port=5970 | -path=/var/spfd ) [-setuser=(uid|username)]
usage:      [ -pathuser=(uid|username)] [ -pathgroup=(gid|groupname)]
usage: spfd assuming -port=5970
1452 will listen on 5970
1452: creating server with args Listen 1 LocalAddr LocalPort 5970
ReuseAddr 1

The client version spfquery seems to work directly and does NOT appear to be
able to test the daemon's functionality.

Herb Martin

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