
(i hope this is the correct forum to this question)

I have a XP home edition running using cygwin and the inetd package. I have 
created /etc/passwd and /etc/group as described. The only user (and there is 
only one at an XP home edition with usable privileges) is called otto. I can 
rlogin to this client using the account otto and his password. Everything 

What I do not understand is: where do the strange uid and gid (e.g. mkpasswd) 
of the most files come from? Rlogin seems not to use passwd and gid and I can 
not force it to login with /bin/bash (which is defined in /etc/passwd). It  
always  comes up with /bin/sh (which does not understand any aliases and 

A drastic workaround at the moment is to symlink bash to sh.

Best regards

Dr. Ulrich Guettich
Bogenholzstrasse 33
D-89233 Neu-Ulm
Tel. 0731 712742

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