On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, David Arnstein wrote:

Frequently (but not always) I will launch a Cygwin command window running bash; the new command window prints a message from bash:

10 [main] bash 1880 pinfo::wait: Couldn't create pipe tracker for pid 3768,

Win32 error 231
bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable

The bash shell in the command window is unusable. Commands typed into the shell return immediately, but have no effect.

Sometimes, a Cygwin/bash command window will launch properly, but then the above error message appears in the middle of a lengthy command, such as "catman -w".

I found a mailing list article that claimed that this problem could be solved by running "rebaseall." I did kill all Cygwin processes and services, and ran "rebaseall" from an ash shell. This did not solve my problem.

I have attached the output of "cygcheck -s -v -r".

Thanks for any suggestions.

I have 3 machines doing the same thing. 2 use cygwin 1 does not. This problem started to manifest itself in the last month or so. They are all XP sp2.

I was able to reproduce this on my wifes computer while using netflix, and IE shift click opened about 80 IEs, then no processes would launch until I closed one first.

I am looking to comup with a better testcase than open lots of stuff until it breaks.

google has not helped.

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- Jason Pyeron                      PD Inc. http://www.pdinc.us -
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