I've trying to compare two files using diff from a .bat file :

diff -iX scripts/%2.ignorelist "%difffile1%" "%difffile2%"

The file is a cisco config file. A wc -l of the file tells me its over 500
lines long.

I'm using diff to compare an OLD file to a NEW one. Constantly a line changes value:
< ntp clock-period 17179951
> ntp clock-period 17179955

So I wanted to exclude the ntp line and I put it in the ignorelist.

The ignorelist contains:

Last configuration change
No configuration change
NVRAM config last

But diff constantly returns the same result (file changed). What have I done wrong ??

I've also tried using grep as a precursor, but some basic grep tests seem to go wrong:

In this below example, I've a file "c.txt" with a single line, "ntp", and a copy of the config in a.txt You can see that a manual grep for ntp works, but when I try to use the file, it fails..

C:\backups\__cisco_backups>type c.txt

C:\backups\__cisco_backups>grep -e ntp a.txt
ntp clock-period 17179955
ntp source Vlan135
ntp server

C:\backups\__cisco_backups>grep --file=c.txt a.txt

C:\backups\__cisco_backups>grep --file=c.txt a.txt

Adrian Marsh

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