On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 12:31:07AM -0400, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>I just stumbled over the following problem:
>$ cat shelltest.sh
>#! /bin/sh
>ANT_HOME=`cd "$ANT_HOME" && pwd`
>With cygwin1-20050825.dll:
>$ ./shelltest.sh
>./shelltest.sh: line 3: cd: /cygdrive/c/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/..: No such 
>file or directory
>With cygwin1-20050716.dll:
>$ ./shelltest.sh
>If I change the first line to:
>#! /bin/bash
>it surprisingly works with both snapshots.

This is apparently due to Corinna's latest patch which attempts to get
realpath working.  bash is calling cygwin_convert_to_full_posix_path
on the /cygdrive/... above and the return value now is different than
it used to be.

It's too late for me to investigate the problem but I'm sure that the
morning support team will be able to handle it.


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