On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 12:46:38 GMT, Harry Putnam wrote:

> Andy Moreton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 11:39:39 GMT, Harry Putnam wrote:
>> You may find it easier to teach NTemacs about cygwin paths:
>> http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/cygwin-mount.el
> What is supposed to happen with this?  Once loaded is it supposed to
> make emacs know about /cygdrive?  Doesn't seem to have much of an
> effect here.
> M-x load-file ./cygwin-mount.el
> C-x d /usr/bin
> Doesn't work
> C-x d /cygdrive/c
> Doesn't work
> It does seem to have tought emacs thate C:/ = / but in cygwineze that
> isn't what is used.  There you have C:/Cygwin = /
> So that doesn't help much with cygdrive.  Still /usr/bin is
> unknown for example

Try a little reading - its all documented in the file.
Either use the "Cygwin Mount" group in Customize, or add the following:

(require 'cygwin-mount)


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