On Sep  8 10:00, Luke Kendall wrote:
> On  7 Sep, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >  Oh well, why are you still using textmode?  We should drop this choice 
> > from 
> >  setup.exe entirely. 
> The logic went:
> 1) Under Windows, most of the programs we use are native Windows ones, 
>    so we choose DOS style line endings during Cygwin install.
> 2) I assume that Unix text processing programs like sed, awk, troff,
>    etc. prefer to see LF rather than CR-LF.
> I've just now re-read
> http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using-textbinary.html.  (I can't begin
> to imagine how much pain this CR/LF issue must cause you guys!)
> Did you give the advice above because basically all the Cygwin programs
> that treat lines as records, now open the file in text mode; and all
> other Cygwin programs open files in binary mode?  (Including "file.exe",
> now, thank you!)

You should not mount the whole Cygwin tree in textmode, it will always
give trouble when you expect it the least.  Just mount home dirs or
something as textmode, but even then refrain from it as much as possible.
There are tools out there to convert line endings, for instance d2u and
u2d.  I bet, if you count the cases where the conversion is necessary,
you will be surprised how _seldom_ it's necessary.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          mailto:cygwin@cygwin.com
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