Follow the instructions in C:\Cygwin\usr\share\doc\Cygwin\openssh.README, that
is the official documentation.

OK - have now gone through said README twice. Somewhat helpful, but largely obtuse in places.

e.g.,  "If you start sshd as deamon via cygrunsrv.exe you MUST give the
"-D" option to sshd. Otherwise the service can't get started at all."

Meaning, what? You pass -D as an argument when invoking cygrunsrv --start sshd? Hmmm...trying that gives the error message that -D is not a valid option for sshd - which makes the text in the README hard to interpret.

Other than that, look at your event log and see if there is any further
information about the failed service startup.


You mention "host-ssh-config", is that a typo? the script is named
"ssh-host-config".  Its failure is very strange, perhaps you have a corrupted
installation, you are not using text mode, are you? (in setup you have to select if Cygwin is installed for all users or not, text- or bin-mode, best results are
with "for all" and "binmode (a.k.a. Unix)").

OK - now I know what you're after. I re-downloaded setup.exe, ran it, and tried BOTH text, and binmode (i.e., tried it with text mode - then after deleting c:\cygwin, tried again with binmode).

Made no difference. As for a corrupted installation - I tried the above procedure using 3 different download mirrors. Made no difference.

Each time when I run ssh-host-config (following a clean install of cygwin), it

1. generates the keys
2. asks about using privilege separation

And thats it - it doesn't ask me for anything else - it doesn't ask if I want to create 'sshd' as a local user, or if I want in install as a service, or anything after the privilege separation query.

When I run ssh-host-config -d (i.e., in debug mode) as suggested, there was nothing obvious about why it exited - there were no error messages at all. It simply said I was finished. Is there a log file I should look at (and post here) that might help suss out what its not working?

But, since I can't get the service to start, obvious all is not well.

So, I'm wondering if at this point I should manually do what ssh-host-config is apparently refusing to do - if this is an option, could someone provide the basic steps?

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