On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 10:06:01PM -0400, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>>Yes, I have another snapshot to test.
>>Please report success or failure to this thread.  Please don't change
>>the subject.  Please don't start a new discussion.  If you have a
>>problem please report it using the guidelines from
>>If you think you've found an error, please indicate whether this is a
>>regression from 1.5.18.  OTOH, if you've found a regression from some
>>other past version then that is worth reporting, too.  There are no
>>guarantees that we will fix this problem for 1.5.19, unless it is an
>>actual regression from 1.5.18, however.
>Test: Building OpenOffice.org
>I still see spurious hangs while building OpenOffice, yes this is a
>regression, for former cygwin versions it was possible to build it
>without getting processes that just hang.
>I reported a similar problem already against 20050913.
>On 20050914 (first version without the PE format fix) I still see hanging
>processes, in this case:
>     3536       1    3536       3536  con 1003 19:08:52 /usr/bin/rxvt
>I    3548    3536    3548       3568    2 1003 19:08:52 /usr/bin/bash
>     3104    3548    3104       2528    2 1003 20:33:38 /usr/bin/bash
>     3424    3104    3104       2988    2 1003 20:33:38 /usr/bin/perl
>     2580    3424    3104       3620    2 1003 20:33:38 /usr/bin/bash
>     2532    2580    3104       3044    2 1003 20:34:26 /usr/bin/tcsh
>     1320    2532    3104       2828    2 1003 20:34:26 
>     /cygdrive/d/w1/SRC680_m128/solenv/wntmsci10/bin/dmake
>     2368    1320    3104       2924    2 1003 20:34:27 /usr/bin/tcsh
>     1636    2368    3104       1212    2 1003 20:34:27 /usr/bin/perl
>     1832    1636    3104       1016    2 1003 21:12:18 
>     /cygdrive/d/w1/SRC680_m128/solenv/wntmsci10/bin/dmake
>     3408    1832    3104       2244    2 1003 21:12:23 /usr/bin/tcsh
>      204    3408    3104       3144    2 1003 21:12:23 
>      /cygdrive/d/w1/SRC680_m128/solver/680/wntmsci10.pro/bin/cppumaker
>tcsh (PID 3408) is waiting for cppumaker to finish.
>Funny thing is cppumaker is not a cygwin application, it should not even be
>listed in the "ps" output above.

Non-cygwin apps should be listed in ps if they are started by a cygwin-app.
You'd just basically see the cygwin stub in that case.

Can you duplicate this hang at will or does it take a full run of an OpenOffice
build to tickle it?

>$ cd /cygdrive/d/w1/SRC680_m128/solver/680/wntmsci10.pro/bin/
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] /cygdrive/d/w1/SRC680_m128/solver/680/wntmsci10.pro/bin
>$ cygcheck cppumaker.exe
>Found: d:\w1\SRC680_m128\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\bin\cppumaker.exe
>  d:\w1\SRC680_m128\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\bin\sal3.dll
>    d:\w1\SRC680_m128\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\bin\uwinapi.dll
>      C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll
>        C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
>      C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
>        C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
>      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
>        C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
>      C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
>      d:\w1\SRC680_m128\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\bin\MSVCR71.dll
>      C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
>        C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
>    C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll
>      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
>        C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll
>    C:\WINDOWS\system32\MPR.dll
>    C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
>  d:\w1\SRC680_m128\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\bin\salhelper3MSC.dll
>  d:\w1\SRC680_m128\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\bin\reg3.dll
>    d:\w1\SRC680_m128\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\bin\store3.dll
>    d:\w1\SRC680_m128\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\bin\stlport_vc7145.dll
>      d:\w1\SRC680_m128\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\bin\MSVCP71.dll
>The process is finished and gone, the windows task manager doesn't show
>it anymore.
>Also see this:
>$ /bin/kill 204
>kill: 204: No such process
>$ /bin/kill -f 204
>kill: couldn't kill pid 3144, 5
>$ ps | grep cppumaker
>      204    3408    3104       3144    2 1003 21:12:23 
>      /cygdrive/d/w1/SRC680_m128/solver/680/wntmsci10.pro/bin/cppumaker
>I just tried to kill all processes, but 204 is stuck. I'll reboot now and 
>the new 20050914 snapshot.

I'm glad that you mentioned that this isn't a cygwin process.  That's probably
a clue.  I'll try to investigate more tomorrow.  If you can actually duplicate
this problem without running the whole build that would be incredibly helpful.


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