On 9/14/05, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> This will be fixed in the upcoming snapshot.  Look for the comment:

>         * spawn.cc (av::fixup): Guard against problems reading an executable
>         which does not match Microsoft's documentation about PE format.

> in the ChangeLog.  Once that shows up the snapshot will have the fix.

I just now encountered a very similar problem with "Argument list too
a backgammon.exe(from bsd-games)compiled with cygwin gcc 3.3.1.  While
recompiling with gcc 3.4.4 produced a version that worked with older snapshots,
the new snapshot allows the older copy to work as well.

--Alfvaen (Web page: http://www.telusplanet.net/public/alfvaen/ )
Current Song--Cutting Crew:One For The Mockingbird
Current Book--Amy Tan:The Kitchen God's Wife
If I were perfect for you, wouldn't you tire of me?  --A Little Night
Music, "Soon"

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