Siegfried Heintze wrote:
> Is there "documentation on the documentation"?
> In other words, is the process of submitting documentation
> documented? Does one use the GNU texi or SGML docbook or some
> other format? I've been curious about these tools for years
> but have never used them.
> Are there any functions documented (and I just had the bad
> luck of picking the only three that were not documented) or
> do they all need to be documented? (Yikes! That could be a big job)!
> Is it a simple matter of cutting and pasting from linux (e.g.
> fedora) man pages or does one have to go to the source code
> and extract the copious comments there and just reformat them
> into man pages?
> Siegfried

$ man -w
WS-XP-4960: /home/rthompso> 
$ ls /usr/local/man/*

ascii-xfr.1  cscope.1  evim.1       gvimdiff.1      lua.1
mplayer.1   ratpoison.1  rview.1      sclite.1   vimdiff.1   wterm.1
aterm.1      dig.1     ex.1         host.1          luac.1      mrxvt.1
rgview.1     rvim.1       script.1   vimtutor.1  xminicom.1
blackbox.1   elinks.1  fontforge.1  imlib-config.1  mencoder.1  namazu.1
rgvim.1      rvimdiff.1   sfddiff.1  w3m.1       xmms.1
bsetbg.1     ervim.1   gview.1      imlib_config.1  minicom.1
nslookup.1  rover.1      rvimtutor.1  view.1     w3mman.1    xxd.1
bsetroot.1   eview.1   gvim.1       links2.1        mknmz.1
osd_cat.1   runscript.1  sc_stats.1   vim.1      wmxmms.1

lwres.3                    lwres_conf_parse.3
lwres_gai_strerror.3        lwres_gnbaresponse_render.3
lwres_addr_parse.3         lwres_conf_print.3
lwres_getaddrinfo.3         lwres_herror.3
lwres_buffer.3             lwres_config.3
lwres_getaddrsbyname.3      lwres_hstrerror.3
lwres_buffer_add.3         lwres_context.3
lwres_gethostbyaddr.3       lwres_inetntop.3
lwres_buffer_back.3        lwres_context_allocmem.3
lwres_gethostbyaddr_r.3     lwres_lwpacket_parseheader.3
lwres_buffer_clear.3       lwres_context_create.3
lwres_gethostbyname.3       lwres_lwpacket_renderheader.3
lwres_buffer_first.3       lwres_context_destroy.3
lwres_gethostbyname2.3      lwres_net_ntop.3
lwres_buffer_forward.3     lwres_context_freemem.3
lwres_gethostbyname_r.3     lwres_noop.3
lwres_buffer_getmem.3      lwres_context_initserial.3
lwres_gethostent.3          lwres_nooprequest_free.3
lwres_buffer_getuint16.3   lwres_context_nextserial.3
lwres_gethostent_r.3        lwres_nooprequest_parse.3
lwres_buffer_getuint32.3   lwres_context_sendrecv.3
lwres_getipnode.3           lwres_nooprequest_render.3
lwres_buffer_getuint8.3    lwres_endhostent.3
lwres_getipnodebyaddr.3     lwres_noopresponse_free.3
lwres_buffer_init.3        lwres_endhostent_r.3
lwres_getipnodebyname.3     lwres_noopresponse_parse.3
lwres_buffer_invalidate.3  lwres_freeaddrinfo.3
lwres_getnamebyaddr.3       lwres_noopresponse_render.3
lwres_buffer_putmem.3      lwres_freehostent.3
lwres_getnameinfo.3         lwres_packet.3
lwres_buffer_putuint16.3   lwres_gabn.3
lwres_getrrsetbyname.3      lwres_resutil.3
lwres_buffer_putuint32.3   lwres_gabnrequest_free.3     lwres_gnba.3
lwres_buffer_putuint8.3    lwres_gabnrequest_parse.3
lwres_gnbarequest_free.3    lwres_sethostent_r.3
lwres_buffer_subtract.3    lwres_gabnrequest_render.3
lwres_gnbarequest_parse.3   lwres_string_parse.3
lwres_conf_clear.3         lwres_gabnresponse_free.3
lwres_gnbarequest_render.3  xosd.3
lwres_conf_get.3           lwres_gabnresponse_parse.3
lwres_conf_init.3          lwres_gabnresponse_render.3

elinks.conf.5  elinkskeys.5  named.conf.5  rndc.conf.5

dnssec-keygen.8    lft.8     mtr.8              named-checkzone.8
named.conf.5  rndc-confgen.8
dnssec-signzone.8  lwresd.8  named-checkconf.8  named.8
nsupdate.8    rndc.8
WS-XP-4960: /home/rthompso> 
$ ls /usr/share/man/*
man1  man5

fltk-config.1  fluid.1


man1  man5

man1  man5

man1  man5  man6

man1  man5  man8

man1  man5

man1  man5

man1  man5  man6

man1  man5

man1  man5  man6  man8

man1  man5

man1  man5

GraphicsMagick++-config.1      djpeg.1                        head.1.gz
oggenc.1                        splitdiff.1.gz
GraphicsMagick-config.1        dlltool.1                      help.1
ogginfo.1                       sprut.1
ImageMagick.1                  do.1
help2man.1.gz      oka.1                           ssh-add.1
Magick++-config.1              done.1                         history.1
onsgmls.1.gz                    ssh-agent.1
Magick-config.1                doxygen.1.gz
hostid.1.gz        openjade.1.gz                   ssh-keygen.1
Wand-config.1                  doxytag.1.gz
hostname.1.gz      osgmlnorm.1.gz                  ssh-keyscan.1
addr2line.1                    du.1.gz
icc2ps.1.gz        ospam.1.gz                      ssh.1
alias.1                        dumper.1.gz
icclink.1.gz       ospcat.1.gz                     ssp.1.gz
animate.1                      dvipdf.1                       iconv.1.gz
ospent.1.gz                     stat.1.gz
apropos.1                      echo.1.gz                      id.1.gz
osx.1.gz                        strace.1.gz
ar.1                           editdiff.1.gz                  identify.1
pal2rgb.1.gz                    strings.1
as.1                           egrep.1                        if.1
pango-querymodules.1.gz         strip.1
ash.1                          elif.1
ifnames.1.gz       passwd.1.gz                     stty.1.gz
autoconf.1.gz                  else.1                         igawk.1
paste.1.gz                      su.1.gz
autoheader.1.gz                enable.1
imlib-config.1.gz  patch.1                         sum.1.gz
autom4te.1.gz                  env.1.gz
imlib_config.1.gz  pathchk.1.gz                    suspend.1
autopoint.1.gz                 envsubst.1.gz                  import.1
pbmtojbg.1                      svn.1.gz
autoreconf.1.gz                eps2eps.1                      in.1
pcregrep.1.gz                   svnadmin.1.gz
autoscan.1.gz                  epstool.1                      indent.1
pcretest.1.gz                   svndumpfilter.1.gz
autoupdate.1.gz                esac.1                         info.1
pdf2dsc.1                       svnlook.1.gz
basename.1.gz                  esd-config.1.gz
infocmp.1m.gz      pdf2ps.1                        svnversion.1.gz
bash.1.gz                      esd.1.gz                       infokey.1
pdffonts.1.gz                   sxpm.1
bash_builtins.1.gz             esdcat.1.gz
infotocap.1m.gz    pdfimages.1.gz                  sync.1.gz
bashbug.1.gz                   esdctl.1.gz
install-info.1     pdfinfo.1.gz                    syslog.1
bashdb.1.gz                    esddsp.1.gz
install.1.gz       pdfopt.1                        tac.1.gz
bc.1                           esdfilt.1.gz
interdiff.1.gz     pdftoppm.1.gz                   tack.1.gz
bg.1                           esdloop.1.gz                   intro.1.gz
pdftops.1.gz                    tail.1.gz
bind.1                         esdmon.1.gz                    jar.1.gz
pdftotext.1.gz                  talk.1
bmp2tiff.1.gz                  esdplay.1.gz                   jbgtopbm.1
pdksh.1                         tcsh.1
bonobo-activation-server.1.gz  esdrec.1.gz
jcf-dump.1.gz      pf2afm.1                        tee.1.gz
break.1                        esdsample.1.gz                 jobs.1
pfbtopfa.1                      telnet.1
bug-buddy.1.gz                 espdiff.1.gz                   join.1.gz
pgawk.1                         test.1.gz
builtin.1                      eval.1
jpegicc.1.gz       pgrep.1                         texi2dvi.1
bzcmp.1                        evim.1                         jpegtran.1
ping.1.gz                       texindex.1
bzdiff.1                       ex.1
jv-convert.1.gz    pinky.1.gz                      tftp.1
bzegrep.1                      exec.1
jv-scan.1.gz       pkg-config.1                    then.1
bzfgrep.1                      exif.1.gz                      keychain.1
pkill.1                         thumbnail.1.gz
bzgrep.1                       exit.1                         kill.1.gz
pl.1                            tic.1m.gz
bzip2.1                        expand.1.gz                    killall.1
plaympeg.1.gz                   tiff2bw.1.gz
bzless.1                       export.1                       ksh.1
plld.1                          tiff2pdf.1.gz
bzmore.1                       expr.1.gz                      lasergnu.1
plrc.1                          tiff2ps.1.gz
c++.1.gz                       f77.1.gz                       last.1
pmap.1                          tiff2rgba.1.gz
c++filt.1                      factor.1.gz                    .....

thousands more......


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