On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 07:44:47PM +0100, Buster wrote:
>Would it be possible to get the OpenGL manpages put into section 3G?
>The cross references in these pages appear like so:
>      glBegin(3G),     glColor(3G),     glIndex(3G),     glNormalPointer(3G),
>      glTexCoord(3G), glVertex(3G).
>In Emacs, putting point inside "glBegin(3G)" and issuing the command
>"M-x man" searches for the glBegin manpage in section 3G, and
>currently doesn't find it. As a work-around I have symlinked
>/usr/X11R6/man3 to man3G.

I think we heard you the first time.

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