----Original Message----
>From: Dave Korn
>Sent: 21 September 2005 18:02

> ----Original Message----
>> From: Olumide
>> Sent: 21 September 2005 17:54
>> Hi -
>> Whenever I start up Cygwin (on my WinXP machine) I get the following
>> error messages: 
>> warning: kpathsea: No usable entries in /var/cache/fonts/ls-R
>> warning: kpathsea: See the manual for how to generate ls-R.
>> warning: kpathsea: No usable entries in /var/cache/fonts/ls-r
>> warning: kpathsea: See the manual for how to generate ls-R.
>> What can I do about it? I think its affecting my LaTeX builds
>   Looks like there are no usable entries in /var/cache/fonts/ls-R.  If I
> were you, I would see the manual for how to generate ls-R.

  BTW, one possible reason might be that the perms got messed up and the
postinstall script couldn't write to the file.  Take a look at 


and check the user/group names and privs on that file.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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