On Sep 23 11:46, Antony Baxter wrote:
> Hello,
> I've recently installed the vorbis-tools (v. 1.1.1-3)
> package via setup, and have discovered a small problem
> with ogg123 - CTRL-C seems to have no effect, either
> playing local files or streams. kill -9 seems to be
> the only way to stop ogg123 playing. 

It looks like this is partially a problem in Cygwin 1.5.18, which is fixed
in current CVS, and partially a serialization problem in ogg123.  The first
problem can only be fixed by using a recent Cygwin snapshot from
http://cygwin.com/snapshots/ right now.  I think I also tracked down the
serialization problem in ogg123.  With my patch Ctrl-C seems to work
as expected (together with a Cygwin snapshot).  I'll upload a new version
of vorbis-tools soon.

Thanks for the hint,

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