
We had a problem induced on Samba by our Cygwin
installation. Our /var/log/wtmp file grew enormously
and made Samba connections flaky. By removing
the wtmp file the flakyness is solved, but we would
like to know the real cause why the wtmp grew
so enormously in such a short time. I am talking about
100'ds of megabytes in a few days.

When I scanned wtmp with 'last', I found out that for
several workstations at certain times of the day
(especially when doing builds) there where peak
accesses (writing probably) in the order of more 
than once per minute.

That is why I am trying to find out by which programs
this writing to wtmp can be caused.

I grepped for wtmp through most files in /bin, /sbin,
/lib, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin and /usr/lib but I do not find
any references to it.

Can anybody help me to look further ?



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