On 9/24/05, wrote:
> I'm setting up Cygwin. I downloaded files to one machine, and I want
> to install over the network to another machine (I don't have enough
> space for both the pre- and post-install files on the target machine).
> However, when I run setup on the other machine, as soon as it starts
> copying files, I get this error:
> Fatal Error: Uncaught Exception
> Thread: install
> Type: St16invalid_argument
> Message: URL Scheme not registered!
> I Googled for previous information about this. It seems that I needed
> to move the setup.ini file aside. I tried this, but that wipes out the
> list of packages when I re-run setup.exe. What gives? Thanks in
> advance for any help.

You really haven't provided much information here. What are the options
you choose with setup.exe? What does your network path look like
(\\server\share\ or X:\)? Is there anything else in setup.log? See


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