Hello -
I have spent way too much time today trying to get some scripts
accessing some smb shares on our network today in Cygwin (on XP Pro). I
think I have it working now, but not after a lot of head scratching,
reboots, head pounding on desk, etc.. I have poured over list
archives/faq/readmes and I believe that's how I eventually got it working.
The result ended up being:
* get cron to run as certain user
* disconnect network shares through windows explorer
* connect network share (on same drive letter -- silly company
dependency) via "net use" in script
Is it true that cron can't see drives mounted on the console even when
the same user is logged in at the console as cron is running as? I
believe that cron is run as if it is a fresh login -- but for some
reason can't reuse drive letters even though it can't see they are in
use to begin with!
Much of my frustration could have been resolved if there was a good doc
on this. Is there one? If not, I will likely write something.
I am open to any and all suggestions here.
Please advise -
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