> I was able to reduce my rxvt.bat file to this:
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat rxvt.bat 
>     @echo off
>     rem $Id: rxvt.bat,v 1.1 2005/10/18 04:17:23 dpchrist Exp $
>     C:
>     chdir C:\cygwin\bin
>     rxvt -fn "Lucida Console-11" -e /bin/bash --login -i

You should be able to eliminate the need for creating a batch
file if you create a Windows shortcut to 'rxvt'.  Once you have
created the shortcut, you can edit its properties and change
the Target field to use what you have above, that is:

     C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt -fn "Lucida Console-11" -e /bin/bash --login -i

Of course, this shortcut may then be "dragged" to your Windows
taskbar or desktop so that you can start rxvt with a mouse-click.

> Here is my .Xdefaults:
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat .Xdefaults 
>     ! $Id: .Xdefaults,v 1.1 2005/10/18 04:17:23 dpchrist Exp $
>     XTerm*background: black
>     XTerm*foreground: gray
>     XTerm*colorBD: white
>     XTerm*colorUL: cyan
>     XTerm*saveLines: 10000
>     XTerm*scrollBar_right: True
>     XTerm*scrollTtyKeypress: True
>     XTerm*scrollTtyOutput: True

Here are some fonts that I have been able to use in Windows:

   rxvt*font: -outline-Courier 

   rxvt*font: -outline-Courier 


Of course, these fonts are mutually exclusive (that is, try each
one and decide which one you like).  These can be resized with
the Shift-Keypad +/- keys.

I have also found that under some circumstances, the backspace
key does not work properly.  The following setting fixed that

   rxvt*ttyModes: erase ^?

Finally, the default size and location can be set in ~/.Xdefaults:

   rxvt*geometry: 80x35+150+5


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