On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 08:48:05AM -0400, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>Volker Quetschke wrote:
>>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 03:45:30PM -0400, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>>>Given the number of changes that have been made to cygwin, particularly
>>>in /proc handling, it's very difficult for me to believe that you are
>>>not seeing *any* differences in behavior and
>Well, there are differences in the frequency of occurrence of the hangs.
>>>I'm wondering if you're
>>>actually seeing what you think you're seeing, i.e., I'm wondering if the
>>>process is just timing out and you are attributing it coming "unstuck"
>>>to the fact that you're doing "ls /proc/*/fd".  I can't see any reason
>>>why inspecting /proc should cause any kind of special behavior in the
>>>latest snapshots since /proc handling now occurs in its own thread.
>>I can completely understand your worries. My problem is that I cannot
>>reproduce the problem myself and all I can do is ask the people who
>>have this problem to try get some debug information.
>>I just asked for a confirmation that it really is the "ls /proc/*/fd"
>>that "unstucks" the process. I don't believe that "/usr/bin/tcsh -fc pwd"
>>needs a long time to finish so that we're getting a coincidence there.
>I got some information back:
>It is done like this, the build is running/hanging in one shell (1).
>When it hangs, start a new tcsh shell (2) and get the ps and cygcheck
>information. Then open a new bash (3) and start "strace -p <pidhang>"
>Now in (2) start
>               while 1
>                       ls /proc/<pidhang>/fd
>               end
>until the strace is ready.

I wonder what would happen if the strace was just allowed to sit.  I
don't see anything in the strace would indicate that the process is
stalled and that looking at /proc/...  is fixing it.

>He wrote that 20051019 also produced a hang and that I'll get the next ;)

I wouldn't expect 20051019 to be any different.


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